Monday, November 29, 2010

Golden Time...

Time management is an effective skill to manage our daily routines. We sometimes neglect the importance of time management and end up having a miss-order life. Most of the times it is far too late for us to realize, but it is better to be late than never.
If we want to start changing the way we do things in our life then we need to know that we have only 24 hours in one day, so we have to change our own ways in order to make things change. Find out what is the activity where we spend most of our time? Is it reading our mails, chatting with our friends, calling the clients? Are we actually spending our time or wasting our time?
Make a personal goal to be more productive in the office. For instance, we will not make personal calls during our time to prospecting for clients or maybe we can set our lunch time to be precise one hour and not using more time to have lunch.
We can use the technology to help reminding us of our schedules. Set the alarm reminder in our mobile phone or in our computer. We have to set priority for our tasks. Put the most important thing to be finished first and do not accept unnecessary procrastination.
We can not do everything by our self. It would take more than 24 hours a day if we want to handle things all by our self. If things are already out of control, it is wise to delegate some things to others or our co-workers.


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